Tuesday, July 24, 2007

intestinal feet

so what does one do when one is essentially unemployed, left to their own devices--no TV, no computer to call their own, no yo-yo? well, if you're me you try and rouse yourself at a reasonable hour, which seems to fall somewhere between 8:30 and 10, eat a breakfast of homemade muesli, if my intestines aren't still about to rupture from whatever feast i had the night before, and then do one of the following enjoyable activities:

-read a book
-collect money for Women's Refuge while staring out at the Wellington harbor on a beautiful saturday morning
-go for a three-hour bike ride around the southern coast of the city
-bake: bread, wheat-free, vegan chocolate chip cookies, or pizza (see below)
-watch knocked up

being mostly unemployed isn't as bad as it sounds...

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