Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm only as big an idiot as the other guy

So the last two days at work were taking care of bullshit computer problems. Today I spent the morning fixing Microsoft Outlook. I cannot do anything at work without this POS program. For some reason, beginning this morning, it would freeze everytime I tried to do anything other than scroll through emails--and even doing that was dicey. I ignored Erin's advice to call those fuckers in IT, who know about as much about fixing this shit as I do. I just went to the Microsoft and Office update web pages and downloaded all the security patches and the like from the past year-and-half. It took all morning and about eight reboots to get everything working again, but by noon-thirty I at least had Outlook running in safe mode. My guess as to what caused the problem? Probably the 6500 emails in my inbox and the 7500 emails in my sent box. I'm a hoarder when it comes to useless information like when our last at getting together for a happy hour was or what the gutter margin is in a book that was printed 5 months ago. Plus I'm lazy and don't like sorting things into folders.

Then yesterday I spent a goodly amount of time force-quitting and re-opening Quark, as it froze every time I tried to open a new Quark document. Thankfully, we'll be getting InDesign installed sometime in November. So, ideally, I can forget all the crap I learned about Quark and tranfer everything I know about Acrobat, Photoshop, and Illustrator and apply it to another sweet-like-Santana-Moss Adobe program.

On a more sparkley, small-children-eating-ice-cream-on-a-summer-afternoon note, I had a meeting last night with my friend Tera about putting together a comic book sometime over the next year. We concluded that, yes, it is something we'd like to do. Then today I actually had a story idea. I'll hold off on revealing it until it is either (a) given the stamp of approval by Tera, (b) wholly rejected by Tera, (c) modified into something related, but different, or (d) am forced to reveal it via some mild form of torture, like being forced to snort habaƱero chili pepper, or roll around in pig vomit.

Also, Kanye West (or Roc-a-fella) took down the album from his website. Now I have to buy it. It was bound to happen at some point. There are still a few tracks up at the myspace site though.

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