Sunday, September 11, 2005

I just finished watching the four final episodes of the brilliant yet shortlived (that's just typical) television show Wonderfalls. It follows the rollercoaster life of Jaye, a philosophy major from Brown, who, completely lacking direction after graduation (sound familiar to anyone?), ends up living in a trailer park and working at a gift shop at Niagara Falls. I'm only being semi-sarcastic when I write "rollercoaster life," because while she's driving her promising life into the ground, inanimate object with faces--mostly animal faces--start talking to her. Thinking that maybe if she listens to them, they may stop, she starts doing what they tell her to. Misadventures ensue resulting in, among other things, existential crises, smuggling a Canadian across the US-Canada border, stealing endagered species, and romance.

As some of you who have talked with me recently about movies know, I love romantic comedies (it's a recent revelation). While I may appear to be emotionally stunted (or dead) on the outside, my gooey innards are collectively a hopeless romantic. The romance in Wonderfalls is the kind that Yasmin dislikes so much--it's so perfect, that after bearing witness to it, it makes you feel empty because you know that your romance and love will never be as true and fulfilling as it is for these fictional characters. I love that stuff though. (Does that make me gay?) Watching it always makes me want to see more afterwards. Maybe it's because that while I watch it, I project myself onto the characters and am happy like I imagine they are--that in some way I love Jaye just as Eric does and I love Eric just as Jaye does (that really would make me gay, wouldn't it...)--and I just want to recapture that feeling. Or, I suppose it could just be my repressed self getting it's ya-ya's out through a third party. Or, as Ducore would say, it may be some third thing (or, really, any other numbered thing). Any way you look at it though, I have an urge to watch more people fall in love in ever more clever, endearing, and quirky ways. And I'm comfortable with that.

Sorry if this posts scares anyone. The night brings out the truth.

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