Monday, March 21, 2005

Just for the sake of it.

A quick rundown of the week to come:

Work-y work-y Mon-Fri.


Roll credits.

Deleted Scenes:

1. The Rickshaw Dumpling Bar rules. It's on 23rd b/t 5th and 6th (north side of the street). So far I've tested their chicken and thai basil dumplings, peking duck dumplings, salad, and edamame. Their hoisin sauce and peanut sauce (with coconut?) are both awesome. It's not a bargain, but the cost of a lunch is comparable to most other places in the area.

2. I saw Gunner Palace last night, which is a documentary about soldiers stationed in Baghdad. Check it out if you haven't. It's really the only imagery of the war that I've seen, and was interesting for that if nothing else. I'm still not quite sure what to make of it, though, in terms of how it makes me feel about the war. The movie certainly portrays the occupation as a disorganized, chaotic operation. There's some really amazing, poignant rapping (possibly freestyle?) done by a few of the soldiers, too, that I think puts a lot of mainstream hip-hop to shame. In terms of "keeping it real," Jay-Z, Ludacris, and Juvinile don't have anything on these guys. They're working on making a soundtrack. I look forward to owning it.

3. Speaking of hip-hop, I think I'm finally finding my niche in that realm. I don't empathize much with the gangsta or hustler modes, but there are a few more socially conscious rappers--Talib Kweli, Kanye West, Che Fu, and my ex-co-worker's boy, Chaz--who I'm enjoying. I find myself getting excited by a clever turn of phrase and particularly fast or smooth rhythms and rhymes. The a cappella part at the beginning of Kanye's "Get 'Em High" is especially sweet.

4. Lists are cool.

5. More overhire theater work is coming my way. Joy.

6. I have a play date this week with Yasmin's cat, Sarah. I think we will become fast friends. Cats are also cool.

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