Saturday, March 19, 2005

Captain's blog, Earth date: March 19th, 2005. . .

I am officially king of the hippoes. I had more invoices to get through than my boss. The last time I saw her backlog of invoices, the stack was thicker than G.W.B.'s skull, which is to say, there were an ass-load of invoices, which is to say, I now have more than an ass-load of invoices.

Spring is now unofficially here. Soccer in Prospect Park is in full swing. I made the idiot decision to wear my new turf shoes and now my heels are all blistered and my playing time was cut short. However, in the brief time I was blundering about the field like an epileptic after a light show, I did make some decent plays. Hopefully the weather will stay as is tomorrow and I can head back out with taped-up feet.

Tonight I dine on sketch comedy, courtesy of Elana's comedy troupe, Abearable. I'll be running boards for them next weekend. Those interested in funny people doing funny things should check them out Saturday, March 26 @ 7pm at Juvie Hall (
24 Bond St. (btw. Bowery & Lafayette) for $5.00 (I dunno if there's a drink minimum). If I'm lucky, I'll get out of their rehearsal early enough to go check out Cubicle's show (Lynne Rosenburg's comedy troupe) at Rose's Turn (55 Grove Street & 7th, $5 cover and 2 drink miniumum) at 9pm. They are also funny people doing funny things.

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