Thursday, March 8, 2007

random photos

points of light. pointy pointy light.

construction on the bypass business. not actually the bypass, but they're switching bunch of traffic patterns around (one way streets will switch direction) and also too the highway is getting a new exit ramp on this street pictured right hurrrrrr.

view from the terrace of the san francisco bath house (hipster central)
i was not drunk, but my it looks like my camera had imbibed

la casa es muy caliente. brendan's housewarming party.
latin american style.

it's a posting frenzy! i just made a handful of short posts about different stuff. life continues on earth's ozoneless underbelly. i discovered twice-weekly life-drawing sessions held at a community art space. it's relatively inexpensive. there's no critique it's just roughly an hour and a half of drawing. i haven't sketched a live model since drawing class my sophomore year. so i'm a bit out of practice, though in better shape than i expected. if you're very well behaved, i'll post a couple scans (assuming the scanners at oblong actually work... the jury's out on that).

also, i'm participating now in weekly spanish skill-share sessions and may try and take a class or two. tendinitis in my knee persists, which i discovered while clumsily hopping a fence today. i've been waking up early to do some jogging and strengthening excersizes. i thought i'd solved it, but apparently not. soccer may have to wait another week (it's been two now). luckily there are other things to keep me busy.

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