Monday, February 16, 2009

wallaby is from california

Sunday was the worst day of the year ride. When I first woke up at 7:30, it sounded like, from my upstairs bedroom, it was pouring rain. And I thought, fuck this. I'm not going on an 18 mile bike ride. This is, of course, the morning after tweaking my ankle in a late-night indoor soccer game (a hard-fought 6-4 win in which Marty tallied a rocket of a goal from a very difficult angle, and I managed to slot in two in the first half). When I woke up again at 9:30, it was still overcast and cold, but I figured riding on my bike would be a good way to loosen up the ankle.

I knew that the cycling event would pretty big, but I didn't think it was going actually be 3,000 people. It was an inauspicious start. After being sent off to the rhythms of marching drums, we turned a corner and immediate were stopped at a red light. A few minutes later we were stopped at the Steel Bridge for a good 15 minutes, which was up to let a boat pass underneath. And then 5 minutes after that we got stuck as a freight train started up and left its station. It was encouraging to look behind and see five or six hundred cyclists all lined up.

By the time afternoon rolled around, the weather had turned for the best—mid-fifties and sunny. The flat tire, was bit of a bummer, but it was a bit of luck that I noticed it right by my house and was able to swap out the tube without a ton of lost time.

have a very berry president's day.

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