Tuesday, October 14, 2008


why is it that i keep hearing about and reading in news outlets such things as "women voters will make a difference no matter who wins," "Latino Vote Could Be Deciding Factor," and "Women's Votes Could Determine Election Outcome"?

saying latinos, women, the middle class, or any substantial american demographic will affect the election is stating the obvious. it's like saying american citizens will affect the election. it's great that certain previously ignored demographics are having attention paid to them (i.e. they're being pandered to), but regardless of whether they're noticed or not by politicians or the media, clearly they have sway in the outcome of the election with the handy use of their vote (or non-vote, which depending on your perspective can have a variety of meanings; and for the sake of this argument, let's go with DFW's p.o.v., being that for every vote not cast someone else's vote counts double).

the other thing that irks me about these stories is that by saying one demographic's vote is key, it implies that somehow another demographic's vote is not key. the "Latino Vote Could Be Deciding Factor" headline says to me that voters of other ethnic backgrounds will not have a hand in deciding the election, which is bogus. if they were saying that all these other demographics are all locked up for one candidate or another, and the latino voters were still on the fence about things, they might have a point, but i hardly think that the latino voters are much more or less decided than any others.

these stories are fluff.

i'm also tired of news sources announcing new campaign ads (though it's nice when they point out the lies in them) for myriad reasons, which i cannot quite articulate right now.

the end.

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