Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bitten by the Cold, Hard Reality of Biden.

really? the candidate of "change" picked a guy who's been in the senate since 1973? while i can't say i'm surprised by it, it's a little bit disappointing. Biden's politics aside (which are OK in a pretty standard democratic party way), why pick the stodgy white guy? i'm fully aware that how a candidate looks should be pretty low on the list of reasons to vote (or not vote) for 'em, but Biden looks like an actor cast as president in some B-action movie. i was hoping for a little Bill Richardson action, who besides being a governor, was ambassador to the U.N. (executive and foreign policy experience in one!). plus he's a bearded, rotund Hispanic-American, which is an unusual sight in the American political landscape. (yes, i'm aware of his ties to the oil industry, but, really, who is in a position of power that doesn't have ties to some kind of life-devouring corporate behemoth?)

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