Tuesday, January 8, 2008

returning to the gulf coast

i'm flying back to new orleans on the 10th, this time with foxy berger and maryland's favorite son, tim g. it'll have been almost two years since my previous stint volunteering with HAWC and bayou liberty relief. this time around i'll be working with lowernine.org and it looks like i'll get to do a little house building and help pack down some of Emergency Communities' camp and kitchen. in '06 i helped build a tipi for the EC camp site. fun and educational!

the plan is to stay for two weeks at minimum. if everything goes well and the work isn't too physically and psychologically taxing, i may stick around until march or so. i'm not entirely sure what kind of availability i'll have in terms of the internet, but hopefully i'll be able to update y'all on what's what and how things are while i'm actually there.

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