Friday, November 23, 2007

Mia's Pizzas

Decent lookin' pizza based on the photo. Mia's itself is a nice enough place to eat with its hardwood floors and high ceiling. In better weather patrons can take advantage of outdoor seating. And located directly center at the back of the dining area is a georgous woodburning oven (if only i'd actually photographed it), with a yellow-tile epidermis. Sadly, the pizza I had that came out of that oven was just on the soft side of done. While the quality of the ingredients were high (the fresh mozzerella and basil were especially good), the sauce was almost non-existent (perhaps evaporating in the oven's high heat?), leaving the crust, which seemed to be a sourdough, too prominent a roll. It was further marred by a dusting of cornmeal on the bottom. Over all, I give it a B-: not bad if you live in Bethesda, but certainly not worth going out of your way for.
Mia's Pizzas
4926 Cordell Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20815

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