Thursday, March 8, 2007

Went to a protest yesterday. There are three police officers on trial for rape. Two are currently in jail, one is suspended with pay from his job. The situation is probably better described by Radio New Zealand:

Trial verdicts verdict

On 1 March, Suspended Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former officers were acquitted on charges of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a woman in Rotorua between November 1983 - August 1984. The complainant was aged 16 at the time.

Following the verdicts by a jury of eight men and four women in the High Court at Auckland, it was revealed the two former policemen were convicted rapists who are still serving jail terms for the abduction and rape of a woman in Mt Maunganui in 1989.

Last year, a jury cleared the trio of 20 charges of sexual violation and indecent assault against Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas in 1986.

The jury of seven women and five men delivered its verdict on 31 March 2006 after three days of deliberations following a 2½-week trial at the High Court in Auckland.

read the dominion posts' take on the protests here and indymedia's here.

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