Saturday, January 6, 2007

my head was filling with blood

back in wellington. back at 128. searching for a flat and a job. been chilling with an oregonian most of today. went tree climbing in the botanic gardens. ate a bagel. good times. brendan returns this evening.

back in auckland i went to the zealandia sculpture garden, which is actually about 45 minutes outside of town. the bruells were kind enough to drop me off there on their way up north, but i had to hitch a ride back to auckland from some of the other people in the tour group who were actually out on a bit of a day trip and we all ended up heading to a regional park with some lovely beaches and a cool old maori graveyard. from there my new traveling companions, three middle-aged kiwis--two carols and a philip, headed over to puhoi, where there was a nice cafe and cheese shop. eventually made it back to home base in time for dinner. on saturday anton invited me along to do some rock climbing, which turned out to be a bit of a nerve-wracking challenge and yet somehow fun. while attempting to descend after finally accomplishing a climb i managed to somehow flip myself upside down such that my feet were waving above my torso and my head was filling with blood. still managed to get down with the only scar being a bit of rope burn.

and now i'm off to go see heart of the game. sports movies rule.

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