Wednesday, December 14, 2005

You didn't tag me, but I'm doing it anyway, bitches!

7 songs I'm digging now (fuck eclecticism--long live pop):

Please Let that Be You (The Rentals) - Utopian moog driven pop with blissful female backing vocals and sweet, hopeful chorus.

Asthenia (Blink-182) - Blink-182? The fuck? A song by a band I never thought I would ever like. Yet, the album that this is on is pretty effing good. Power-punk with a good dose of emo and a dash of extra verve. I am also partial to the first track on it, Feeling This, but I've listened it out.

Lightworks (Che Fu) - Upbeat, soulful pop from New Zealand's #1 hip-hop/R&B performer.

My Head is in the Sun (The Rentals) - A melancholy acoustic feast off the Rental's 2nd album, Seven More Minutes. Co-written by everyone's favorite nutcase, Rivers Cuomo. More tension releasing female backing vocals.

Revelations (Santana) - Buried in a cheesey '80s latin-pop album is this instrumental gem. It's all build. Crescendo rock's roots.

The Effects (Kontrast)
- An asian hip-hop duo from New York. Hits hard, rocks harder.

Gone (Kanye West) - Best hip-hop song ever? Maybe. Maybe not. But it's the only one I wish I'd written myself.

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