Some notes on the photos:
Common Ground is a grassroots volunteer organization that's been doing a variety of things from food distribution, to house gutting, to bioremediation. They have volunteer centers all over the city.
Meg's House is the bunk house at the Bayou Liberty Relief Camp and stands as a memorial to Megan Perry.
The markings on the doors were put there by inspection crews after the flooding. The top number is usually the date of inspection, the number or initials on the left signify the inspection team, the number on the right is the number of pets found, and the number at the bottom is the number of bodies found. "TFW" stands for "Toxic Flood Water" and "NE" stands for "No Evidence," which I believe is in reference to pets since it normally appears where the number of pets is located.
A couple of photos at the end are of the French Quarter.
(click on the photos for larger versions)

My experience in New Orleans was really amazing. I highly recommend taking some time to go and help out some. As a volunteer, housing and food are free. And I'd point out that I ate extremely well.
Hopefully, I'll get around to actually writing about this stuff a little more...